Friday, March 7, 2008

"Your Quiver is Full."

Ryan and I had a wonderful experience a week ago. We wanted to get to the temple but needed a babysitter. I was in Relief Society when I heard a couple of ladies talking about the ward sealings that needed to be done. One of the ladies' husbands was in charge of finding couples to go on Friday. She asked if the other sister wanted to go and she would watch her kids for her. She couldn't go, so here is where Katie jumps in..."Ryan is off Friday! We would love to take that offer." It worked out great for us and her husband was thrilled. We got there right on time...Hellewell standard time that is 20 minutes late. We ended up going in a room with only one of the ward members, Bro. Young, things workout for a reason sometimes. In between sealings the Sealer stopped and asked us a little about ourselves.
"How many years have you been married?" Asks the Sealer
"Nine." Says Ryan and we smile at each other like young embarrassed kids.
This is where Bro. Young's eyes get big and he mouths the word "WOW!"
"Hm mm." Says the Sealer with a grin. "And how many kids do you have?"
"Four." Says Ryan and we smile even bigger.
The Sealer stops, looks directly at us and says "Your Quiver is Full."
Now I am sure that he had no idea he was answering our prayers. We had had the question on our minds of more kids. We felt like our family was complete, but we wanted to know for sure. We had been praying for a few weeks and fasted for an answer the previous fast Sunday. Our answer came, Simple, Unexpected, and Precise. Ryan and I both knew right when it was said that it was significant. It was prophetic. It was amazingly comforting. As I think about it right now I can hear behind the simple words, "Your arrows are all here, make them straight, make them true." I love my arrows and can't imagine a world without them. Thank you Father in Heaven, and thank you to this sealer who didn't even know he was answering our prayers.
We now know.


Merlin T Wizard said...

Wow, that's pretty powerful. Let me congratulate you on a job well done in getting your arrows here. Now you have your work cut out for you!

lbugsh2 said...

Yea Katie. I am so happy you got your anwser that means after our last we can be done too.

Lisa P said...

Wow! I can only imagine the relief you feel.
Now focus, Danielson! Wax on, wax off...