Monday, February 11, 2008

Time to Mop!

"What are you guys doing?"

Today Ashton and Rylyn decided to well... baptize the bathroom. I am downstairs working on Taxes when I here running water and laughing. I wait hoping they are being good, thinking since they are happy I should get some work done. After about 5 minutes and a lot more laughing I decide it's time to check. Oops should have checked sooner. I guess it's time to mop the floor, and the walls, and the ceiling, and the counter, heck let's just mop the kids too. Just check out the pictures if you think I exagerate.


Erica said...

I'm so glad you guys have a blog now so we can see how you are doing more regularly! Your kids are so cute...and big! Rylyn is beautiful!

Lisa P said...

Sometimes it's hard to make the time to mop the floor in the bathroom, at least for me. This way it MAKES the time for you. :0
Small blessings, heehee!